Since 1991….The year Symaton International Co., Ltd. was established in Taipei, Taiwan and became a member of FIATA, IATA, and WFG (World Freight Group). MERGED...In the end of 1991."Jetta Express Ltd" merged with Symaton and Xiamen was the first branch office that was built in China. 1993 Fuzhou, 1994 Hong Kong, 2000 Guangzhou, 2004 Shanghai and 2010 Hanoi Vietnam. Since that time Symaton has enhanced the service in air import and export custom broker and expanding its service as full spectrum.

In 2010..,Symaton World Logistics Co., Ltd. established and coordinated sea freight forwarding bussiness
In 2014... Symaton World Logistics Co., Ltd. applicated AEO(Authorized Economic Operator) certified with the assistance of customs.
TODAY…Symaton World Logistics Co., Ltd. has 7 offices and its overseas WFG agents all around the world, are ready to serve our clients in all the activities in transportation and logistic category.